Frequently asked question

You can expect your order of luxury fur coats and jackets to be delivered within 5 to 7 business working days.

We source the material of our fur trim jackets and coats from pre-owned fur, ensuring quality and sustainability.

We accept Credit/Debit Card payments as well as PayPal for your convenience.

Yes, we offer customization options, allowing you to request a custom design in our warmest winter coats and jackets that align with your specific preferences and style.

Whether it's long wool coats for women and men or short jackets, we deliver custom sizes based on individual body types to ensure a perfect fit.

Our customized coats and jacket for women and men usually take 7 to 10 business working days for production and delivery.

From fox fur to chinchilla fur, every winter article is created from genuine, natural fur reflecting the utmost quality and luxury.

For detailed information on our return and exchange policy if you there is a defect or don’t like any article from our jackets and coats for men and women, then please visit

Yes, you can track the shipping progress of your order through a third-party site using the provided tracking number. Let's suppose you order a mink fur coat from our store then a tracking ID will be delivered to you via email or message.  Alternatively, you can also contact us directly through email or our contact number for tracking assistance.

Yes, we offer international shipping services to cater to customers around the world. So wherever you are, do check our best winter coats for extreme cold regions.